About Optimus health

Make optimising and managing your wellbeing effortless but
accurate, less stress, quicker and personalised to you.

Our Drive and Ethos

Optimus health was founded by NHS medical doctors, data scientists and wellbeing researchers who get to see the gap between personal wellbeing and the solutions that are currently available.

We believe wellbeing is the sum of its parts and must be viewed holistically to achieve optimal wellbeing, which we all deserve, each and every single one of us. However all too often the elements of wellbeing are considered separately in a isolated disjointed manner.

Whether you want to optimise your performance in life, work and play or readjust your lifestyle for your health OH caters to you.

Todays fast paced world make it easy to get dragged down by distractions that don’t contribute towards our values, happiness or wellbeing like getting lost in the rat race, self comparison, social media, competition and materialism. Optimus Health enables users to focus on whats important to optimize their wellbeing, fulfilment and happiness.

We bring together the technical, clinical and design subject matter expertise for the purpose of wellbeing.

Optimus Health’s
mission is to empower
people to live their
best lives.

Grounded by clinical health science expertise, held accountable by user results and driven by the latest data science.

Wellbeing is a science and an art, the science is what we can objectively measure and show evidence for and the art is each and every single person having different desires, goals and expectations of ourselves and our lives.

Challenges and solution.

When it comes to wellbeing, each of us, are the sum of all our part. Optimus health aggregates, arranges and systematically organises the components of wellbeing according to your preferences and then puts you in the driver seat take control and optimise your wellbeing.


You've complete 10 out...

You have complete 10 out of your 12 mindfulness tasks over the last 5 days. You are sticking to your meditation app regime which is doing a 10 minute meditation session each morning and your personalised mindfulness task of walking the dog on Tuesday and speaking to your parents every weekday..


You been sticking to your...

You have been sticking to your calorie balance of -600 per day to reach your weight goals for the last 2 weeks. Your micronutrients of minerals and vitamins ( Thiamine, Zinc, Magnesium, Fibre, Vitamin A,B,C and D) are on track with the recommended daily dose over the last 3 days.


You are sleep deficient, and...

You are sleep deficient, and in debt by 6.1 hours of sleep over the last 4 days. Your REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is affected the worst. Your concentration and memory will be significantly suboptimal. Your deep sleep is also poor. This will slow down recovery from your workouts. Personalised Prompts: Try to go to bed earlier, wake up at a consistent time. Your data analysis shows 11pm may be ideal for you. Use a sleep mask and ear plugs to increase chances of reaching the deep sleep stage.


Your Vitamin D level is below the reference range....

Your Vitamin D level is below the reference range. Your Iron level is below the reference range. You may be anaemic and your low vitamin D and iron levels may be reducing your energy levels and causing you to be fatigued. Personalised Prompts: Consult your Doctor for professional medical guidance.


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Contact us at management@myoptimushealth.com